Dharma Verses 1-10

1. 以無所得心,行一切善法。
Cultivate all good deeds 
with a mind of non-attachment.

2. 無慧之信,增長愚癡
Faith without wisdom generates ignorance.
Knowledge without faith increases hypocrisy.

3. 以得增上生,漸得決定勝。
Having achieved rebirth in the wholesome 
realms, one should strive to attain liberation.
4. 智慧功德因緣,一切皆由布施。
All auspicious conditions of wisdom 
and merit originate from generosity.
5. 佛法大海,信為能入,智為能度。
Faith is the route to entry and wisdom is its 
ferry to the great ocean of the Buddha Dharma.
6. 諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,
Create no evil, cultivate all good, and purify 
the mind. These are the teachings of the Buddha.
7. 如人飲水,冷暖自知 。
Only the man who drinks the water 
 will know whether it is hot or cold.
8. 般若為導,五度為盲。
As the five paramitas are blind, 
wisdom is our trusted guide for cultivation.
9. 德不孤,必有鄰。
Virtue does not stand alone. 
He who practices it will have neighbors.
10. 少時快樂很簡單,老時簡單很快樂。
Joy is simple when you are young; 
    Simplicity is joy as you age.